Thursday, 10 January 2008

Postive & Negative Words

A man, who was unhappy in his work, unhappy with his family and unhappy with life in general, decided to escape to get away from it all. He joined a mute monastery, where he took a vow of silence. He could say only 2 words every 5 years.

This is perfect, he thought. No stress, no one to bug me, nothing but silence.

So he stayed there 5 years without uttering a syllable. At the end of that time, his superior called the man into his office and said,”You have 2 words you can speak. Would you like to say anything?”

The guy nodded his head and said, “Bad food!”

He went for another 5 years without uttering a syllable, and again his superior called him into his office and asked if he would like to say anything.

He nodded his head and said “Hard bed!”

Another 5 years passed, and his superior called him in and asked him if he would like to say anything, and the guy said, “I quit!”

His superior responded, “Well, I’m not surprised. You’ve done nothing but complaining since you got here!”

Something to share……

This story reminds us of someone who might have complained in silence for years since started working in plantations. “Bad boss”, “Hard job” and finally “I (bag and) go!” What’s a pity! He just could not make it to become a practical planter.

Negative words such as “I can’t”, “No way”, “What for?”, and “So what?” are damaging and could even pull us down and make us becoming failures. It is not surprising that people with negative thinking always find excuses not to do the possible!

Whereas positive words such as “I can”, “No problem, “Why not?”, and “Let’s try” will lift up our spirit to accomplish our job assignment. People with positive thinking always find ways and means to do what others cannot do!

In Proverbs 16:24, it was written, “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb. Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.”

Words of encouragement such as “Do your best”, “You can make it” and “See you at the top” can fill us with burning desires and motivate us to act fast with full commitment.

Every one of us is seeking happiness in life. Someone says, “I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.”

When employees are valued, appreciated, and treated with proper respect by their employers only then they feel happy to work in the organization. However, to most employees who desire of being rewarded with annual increment and bonus, I believe that the real happiness in them is getting job satisfaction when they also hear words of praise such as “Excellent”, “Well done” and “You’re great!” We will surely feel proud of ourselves when we know that we have contributed towards the achievement of the organization’s goals.

The Bibles teaches us that in regardless of which company we work for and who we serve, we are actually serving our heavenly father. As written in Colossians 3:23-24, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ.”

Once we understanding this, there bounds to be happiness and joyfulness in serving as we give our very best to do what needs to be done with all our heart.

Max Anders teaches us that “The surest road to happiness is living for God, placing our ultimate hope in the next world, and learning to be grateful for the small things that come our way in this world.”

Friends, give a thought about it.