Saturday 17 May 2008


First-year students at Medical School were receiving their first Anatomy class with a real dead human body. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet.

The professor started the class by telling them: "In medicine, it is necessary to have 2 important qualities as a doctor. The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the human body."

For an example, the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the corpse, withdrew it and stuck his finger in his mouth.

“Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his students. The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead body and sucking on it. Each one tried his best not to puke.

When everyone had finished, the Professor looked at them and told them,"The second most important quality is OBSERVATION. I stuck in my Middle finger and sucked on my Index finger. Now learn to pay attention."

Something to share…..

Well, I am sure we have a good laugh after reading this joke.

In the course of learning, being just beginners, we obviously had a tendency to be naive and ignorant. We were easily tricked and made “a laughing stock” as we were raw and fresh without any experience. We were lack of observation and had not learned to pay attention.

A planter is trained to be very observant in the fields. As he walks the fields, he is able to see and detect things not right in plantation he managed. His eye sight should be as sharp as an eagle.

Paying attention through observation, he is able to act accordingly to put things in order by enforcing strict discipline on his field staff and taking remedy action to get things done and corrected in the fields without any hesitation and delay. Supervisory staff and mandores are trained to be observant as well in carrying out check and control duties in the fields. Any slack in supervision may be due to poor observation and not paying full attention to workers who are supposed to get work done.

A planter will not compromise on work standard and quality. There will be no excuses for work half done or half undone. Works for today need to be done will have to be done. It’s a matter of DEDICATION and COMMITMENT, involving planning, organizing, implementing, delegating, follow up and monitoring.

As long as a planter pays attention to the principle of “plan your work” and practice “work your plan”, eventually it’s a job “well done”.

That’s what we call “job satisfaction”!

1 comment: said...

"I can get no sat-is-fact-ion. And I tried, and I tried..." sings the Rolling Stones. Remember? Well, we must do our work well to the satisfaction of our big boss. And u must try and try hard to satisfy ur boss or else goreng sotong (juaw yeow ee)and bye bye to ur job. To do a job well, u must learn from experienced seniors who may sometimes bully u and make u a laughing stock in front of every one. As a young intern, one must have thick skin and learn to live with it. See who has the last laugh. One who goes thru the baptism of fire will learn a lot and emerge a better person than one who chickens out the moment he sees danger. To be successful, one must be a great observer of things around him like our Xifu Planter Pakloh who can see an ant among the lallangs in the plantation. Nothing escapes the Xifu bc he has the kungfu to spot the slightest imperfection in the plantation. Like the great Taichi xifu who can kill a fly with a swift swap of his handkerchief. As u said, once a xifu, always a xifu, be it in the ring in front of hundreds of spectators or in the plantation in front of oil palm trees watching intensely your moves. Ha,ha, ha. I'm commenting as a layman who knows next to nothing about plantations. I only plant spring onions in flower pots in my home. That's the only thing I can plant successfully and I only do organic farming. i.e. I bury discarded vegetables to fertilise the soil. Am I doing right, xifu? Xifu planters have the kungfu to kick butts - the butts of lazy or inefficient workers to knock sense into them. Unlike Bruce Lee's flying kicks who knocked his opponents senseless. See, the xifu planter's kungfu is better. Jackie Chan's acrobatic kungfu has the last laugh and he laughs all the way to Hollywood and the most important of them all, TO THE BANK! Ha,ha,ha. He who laughs last, laughs the loudest and the best. Ha,ha,ha,he,he,heeee.