Wednesday 10 September 2008

Broken Connection?

Something happened in the past and it wasn't pleasant. Heavy words were exchanged, a friendship broke up, and we lost contact with people we are now missing. Broken connections are a tragic fact of our fast-moving life. But whatever the reason for the breakup, these connections can be repaired. Maybe not all of them, but we should notresign; we should give it a try. Don't forget that time is a healer. And modern technology makes it easier than ever for us to reconnect.

Keep your friendships in repair.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”- Richard Bach

A friendly e-mail that communicates that you would like to reconnect is just one idea. Or you could send an unexpected birthday card to the other party. Or depending on the situation, you could even make a phone call addressing the issue in positive, conciliatory words, or use friends in common to convey a message. I am sure you can think of many other ways, once you've made the decision to try. But what if it doesn't work? Then you can pat yourself on the back and be proud that you tried. And then just let go.

Wouldn't it be nice to reconnect with someone? Have the courage to try.

Something to share:

As illustrated in the Chinese Proverb: 海内存知已,天涯若比邻 (hai nei cun zhi ji, tianya ruo bi lin). The world is but a little place, after all.

A broke up 友情(you qing) friendship does not mean that your friend had become your enemy and that the friendship between you and him or her had been totally ruined. Whatever reasons that caused the break up; don’t you think it’s time to forgive and forget and to reconcile the broken relationship?

You may feel that it’s easier to forgive than to forget. You may be ready to forgive someone who had hurt you deeply, but somehow you still have a hard time trusting that person again. Why? What if that someone is having the same feeling as yours?

Make an attempt to meet up and reconnect again. Make up your mind to forgive and forget. Let be friends again. The world is but a little place, after all.


Anonymous said...

I thought this devotional (When a Friend Betrays) by Rick Warren help us to deal with just disappointments with friends and how to deal with people whom we've trusted as good friends abuse us or have made use of us and do not really value our sincere and true hand of friendship. We can be friendly to all but we need to have the wisdom to choose our friends carefully. They say if a man has one true friend in life, he is really blessed already. What more if the Lord has blessed us with more than one.

melakaplanter said...

"Road to God". Good article and hope you will continue contribute your idea & experience to young planter like me.

Best regards
